978-4-87035-783-9 |
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Returning to the island as an adult, in an attempt to catch the essence of the island, Kei carried out a series of interviews with islanders who had some sort of connection with his family. By listening to and recording the stories, he managed to piece together a series of short stories, which in turn became this book.
The stories are sometimes succinct and to the point and other times meandering and magical. They are always charming. They provide a matter of fact insight to life on and off the island.
¡½¡½Richard Pedlingham¡ÊIntroduction¡Ë
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1. Sunlight
2. A Barge
3. Tug-of-War in the Moonlight
4. Knees
5. Gessekai
6. Kakizome – The First Calligraphy of the New Year
7. The Balloon
8. Mother and Child
9. The Prom
10. Fusuma – Paper Doors
11. Roppei
12. The Horizon
13. Taiki – A Big Tree
14. Stone Walls
15. Medicine Bottles
16. Flying Alone
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2016ǯ ¡ØConversations with Shadows¡Ù¤Ë¤Æ¡¢Â裳²ó¥×¥é¥À¡¦¥Õ¥§¥ë¥È¥ê¥Í¥Ã¥ê¾Þ¡Ê¥×¥é¥À¼çºÅ¡¦¹ñºÝʸ³Ø¾Þ¡Ë¼õ¾Þ¡£
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